The funny part is that you say thatbut you give absolutely no reasonfor why you saythat. And if you talking about the swingfire it's not a good vehicle. So if you fall for him turning the gun and you still shoot the breach rather than the side of the turret thats a player error and isn't much of a arguement. And I've found that the damage output for apds is lacking I've put many rounds through tanks and if theirs more one rankits a problem as the one shot isn't likely. Easier to spot in open terrain and gives you enough time for an aimed shot? I'd certainly replace the Hs 129B-2/MK 103 if the Bf 110G was a Tier III vehicle. Those things are a really easy kill as long as you see them first. Frontally there are no easy weakspots. You don't exactly want to pull a pivot turn when in city combat, with it's horrible side armor. An uptier will barely affect the performance of an M18. Then you have very bad chances to win as USA, since you won't be able to flank them. Pointing it down doesn't do anything as I've found. The stock ammo misery for every leos and m48 etc. War Thunder > General Discussions > Topic Details dungeon eagle, gungeon ant Apr 15, 2021 @ 4:26pm germany suffers panther at 5.7 (it should be higher) Last edited by dungeon eagle, gungeon ant ; Apr 15, 2021 @ 4:52pm The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. (Saint Nicholas Bible, CIVIC Worship The Good Book, & Queen Elizabeth II Bible are the same book with 3 different I wrote Panther II and T-44-100, which are the medium tanks of BR 6.7-7.0, actual competitors to the Cent 3. Sit in cover, spot an enemy in third person, pop out, shoot and repeat. By As for the Bf 110G, it is superb--it's only fault is that it's ranked as a Tier II rather than a Tier III. The problem here is that Japan doesn't have a lot of players and thus meeting japanese aircraft is pretty rare in RB. Just shoot turret for an easy penetration anywhere within 2km, and watch as the king tigers ammo gives a nice firework display. Thats because the Germans don't have more modern light tanks in the game. With a few more wins per hundred matches, they'd be. It is almost exactly the same as the normal Tiger II, about the same play time yet it has a 47% WR compared to 43%. Is this what we might expect at some point? 7. And I've never had issues with the breach on a T series unless I've hit the outside of it or its well past 500 meters which is were the 88 will struggle you can still go through the hull of it but need to be more cautious as a whole. Which also has bombs as well. Not possible. As a bad player I would say that German ground vehicles require a lot of patience to play effectively. That is basically telling your enemy "I am here" and to commit assisted suicide. The personal well being of the person who capped it means little to the team if they have succeeded--that part of their reason for being is fulfilled by then. Because they know that there will be most probably a trap when they arrive at the cap point. And it is this knowledge that will the panther driver often stop from advancing beyond certain points on the map, because he thinks: " There is probably a M18 on the enemy team and based on my experience and knowledge of the map I know that beyong this point there is a high chance that the M18 is somewhere on the edge of the map behind a hill and is waiting till I leave my cover. But in that case the T95 is also a good flanker. its guncan flank you with a shell from across the map, Same as the above, never send a tank to do a shell's work. It would actually give Germany some nice, War Thunder map friendly brawling options, like T-34's, IS-2's, T-54's, as well as some lower BR MBT's with decent armour, like T-55's, T-72's etc. Not enough apparently the M41 appears to be shrouded in mediocrity that is the M41. Especially when you get uptiered to 7.7. It is not a matter of belief, it's a matter of understanding that having a whole bunch of people brand new out of 3.0 in 5.X is a problem. By Like this moments when the T95 suddenly reaches the cap point 10 seconds before the match ends. I "like" how you start out this topic with some kind of meme-theme, that there's nothing to it more than it being perceived as "suffering!" For instance: in the M18's case, this is manifest in its far greater bounciness. And that's just fighting american 6.7 with other 6.7s good luck in 5.7 vehicles when you get uptiered, lol. It kind of creates this all-or-nothing theme, which is kind of sad if we're trying to have a serious discussion here. While the M18 can potentially be used for flanking regardless of tier--this is true of any vehicle--it is also a vehicle that can be wiped out even by lowly 1.0s. His vocals stand in contrast with the somewhat polished production. Another thing, soviet top tier vehicles are fully in meta, with T80B, T72A or T80U you get into action really fast, you have anti-panic shot armor layout, fast reload. -ifa potential target learns the maps thisscenario can be avoided, - If the slow tank manages to guess the attack strategy of the faster tank he can setup and counter-ambush, - if there is position that overlooks the entire cap point and if you can reach it fast enough (so should be on your half of the map), - if you take your time to get to the cap point and the M18 doesn't use this time to simply cap. I'll add as a supposition (GE doesn't share the data) that Germany is probably the first nation people pick up to start. Are king tigers unplayable? With a few more wins per hundred matches, they'd be at that point. More to the point, your initial comment is THE biggest disconnect from reality that I've read in LONG time. While the M18 can reverse much quicker, it also lurches about far more. #15. I invite others to list other claims of alleged German suffering so that those can be talked about. Even then you aren't going to see UK tanks in 100% of your matches. The Challenger 2 is the third vehicle of this name, the first being the A30 Challenger, a World War II design using the Cromwell tank chassis with a 17-pounder gun. German early jets are outperformed by pretty much by everything at their br. Selling Top German/UK Tank and Plane & US Top plane with many Premium. For instance: in the M18's case, this is manifest in its far greater bounciness. I just read this post and simply had to react because you draw all the wrong conclusions. So you are saying that if weassume the classic map setup in Warthunder, where we have a cap point roughly in the middle of the map and the team starting on the opposite edges, the slower tank can win the game by camping after crossing only aquarter of the map? Like I said earlier I think it's important to take a step back and realize what we are talking about here isn't just a drag race but definitely more complicated than so. If he sees that you do dare to cap he will just rush back because he has the speed. Despite the hype, Allied fighter-bombers are not hypermaneuverable UFOs when they're laden with their payloads--they're easy meat for things like the Bf 109s and La-5s. I'd recommend not making part of the argument then to begin with, The argument is that a more mobile tank has the better "tools", traits call it however you want to exploit this knowledge. for example to prove what i said u can see that with panther A br reduce to 5.7 germany teams improved a lot, because panthers have much better gun handling than tigers. The argument is that a more mobile tank has the better "tools", traits call it however you want to exploit this knowledge. Even I--a German player myself--am commonly hounded over this, despite presenting a great deal of strong testimony thats based on many years experienc. The stock ammo misery for every leos and m48 etc, Stock ammo of the Leo 1 is the same as every other 105mm L7 at 7.7. LORRAINE 40T AT 7.7?? Least I've been setting off ammo in them basically everytime. And if he turns it to the side literally shoot the huge side of the turret that will be exposed. You have to angleit correctly to make it work. Yeah, i totally wonder why you never see people playing them, but I still see the same ol team comps of 90% tiger 2s. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. That's just how a downtier works no matter the battlerating. Mobility: The complaint: One of the most common complaints that is leveled against the nation of Germany is a perceived lack of mobility. But Germany has little to complain about compared to the French. Are there plans to finally separate ww2 (and pre-ww2) vehicles from post ww2 (like vehicles made. Because heat rounds don't care about armor. He can just wait till you start to cap and go around you. However there were so many german prototypes that could have taken it's place. And Germany has long 88s also at 5.7. Also hull down does not stop long 88 or 100mm from penetrating you and kill or wipe out your turret crew. The T34 where as it has more penetration it has a longer reload and solid shot which recently seems to have suffered a reduced damage output off it round. This puts Germany in a lose/lose position when choosing their plane to call in. This and the blinding factor is a massive inbalance. In which I have to say no, it's not ONLY the Germans that have bad reverse speeds. 2. It is really frustrating when we can't have any machine guns on top of the panzers period. But only at long range. Sell, buy or trade War Thunder Items and Services here. I am sure that these questions are on many peoples' minds and you are asked at least some of these questions often. I myself often wonder why German players don't just take out their CAS when playing against 5.7-7.7 brits for example, since most of the brit tanks at that level can be easily penned even by .50 cal weapons from the air. And the overwhelming sense of hopelessness when the enemy team finds outhowithappened, that moment alone is to die for. A COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF LEVITICUS - Bonar. Terrible survivability (carousel and 3 crew). Threads 63 Messages 220. . Pretty unfair that almost all US tanks have those AA HMGs. Contrary to popular belief there is more then one way to exploit this knowledge. And no I wasn't talking about the swingfire I mean the 7.7 german raketenjagdpanzer 2 literally fires the same missiles as the STRV.81 (which also has a gun) and yet sits a whole BR higher for some reason. (Petrol tanks under turret basket magicallyexplode when turret penned). Getting ahead is stupidly hard. If you do spot him racing between the hills you will have difficulties to shoot him because the time window where he is the ope is rather short. Plus there are only few maps thatfavor this strategy. I'd certainly replace the Hs 129B-2/MK 103 if the Bf 110G was a Tier III vehicle. Most american team comps I see are at least 80% heavy tanks but they get away with it because their heavies can actually reliably bounce shots. On the contrary, the mixture of traits that German vehicles get is often favorable. In an one on one battle with one cap point andrough, uneven terrain you will lose against the M18 in your panther 8 out of 10 times. You have to be reactive rather than proactive and take advantage of mistakes made by allied players. That's where the Panther gets stuck due to bad low speed mobility. Isn't it a bit dishonest to completely "forget" to bring out the more negative aspects of the panther? Eh, the significance of this is overstated. . Yes, with an M18 I am also eaily killed from the front due to lack of armor. While it is true that there were +1.0 uptiers some of the time, it was not perpetual as some people claim. Meanwhile, in the real world, while the Tiger II is waiting for its gun to steady to take a shot, the Centurion Mk3's stabilized gun lets it point precisely at the tiger's turret-face with swift ease. @Loongsheepwell, except that you can just lolpen the entire front with APDS. They are the equivalent to the surge of M22s that the allies occasionally see when some overly loud youtuber decides to make a video about "haha ebic meme tank"causing an influx. It's not pleasant to head into an area that's being directly contested, but if you want to win that's how you do it. Turret is 200mm at it's weakest and will bounce if the enemy angles or is at long range. So in short up until br 6.7 theres nothing much. Thus then other nations get the impression that Germany is both OP, but still their players while about wanting better tanks. As if the game and the race to the capture point ends the moment they get to it and then it just sits there waiting for the Panther to roll in. Interesting, unless you are talking about the driving comfort of the crew I thought we had a couple of long discussions on here where you said main gun bounciness compared to stabilized tanks like the Sherman series are negligible. Many German players will often hang back and camp (which can be good, if done in moderation--Germany gets above average exchange rates this way) but critically, problems arise when these players never do move up. But it will go as well as it would if American tanks went up to 6.7. But how often do you see good teamplay in randombattles? For special purposes I still have my Ju-288 with its two SC1600 bombs. 4. Also, let's not forget that Germany has a proper line-up of SPAAs till 8.0, if you discount the gap between 6.7 and 8.0, so 1.3BR gap. Are there plans to restructure the the air br system or decomress the br. Your best chance would be using Japan yourself, Ah I see. However it does not. Germany continues to suffer in War Thunder! Get comfy and ambush them,you said it yourself he has five options give him a sixth one he forgot, two places they'll never look behind themselves or above themselves or I guess threeif you count beingfar away. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. there are people who will likely attack you for not buying into the Germany suffers claims. He can get to cap first and setup an ambush. People like to complain about the cause being UK 6.7, but tanks like the Panther II have almost double the games than any of the UK tanks. It's strengths clearly outweighs it's burdens when the game is based around city/village structures. Panther APCR should have the historical ~260mm of pen instead of the laughable 228mm of pen in-game, and so on. With so few vehicles in their selections at 4.X and 6.X, the Americans and Russians face much worse situations with uptiers. And since most Panther drivers know that, they usually just camp. In a 1 on 1 I would just throw a dice and pick one possible option hoping that he will appear there? The majority of the 7.92 German ammunition types go seemingly unused in the game, especially all the high velocity variants of the bullets. warrior412, February 10, 2020 in General & Upcoming, Germany has a p-47 just like the allies? By Japan's OP type 90 has been given an equal. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. This by the way also the reason why you quite often see the SDKFZ 234, a BR 2,7 vehicle, in 6.7 matches. Yes but this is should be fixed for once and for all. While true a slower tank doesn'tneed totravel very far to find a position that overlooks the positions one wouldplan on exploiting so by the time the fast tanks shows up the slow tankis waiting in its position ready to fire as the fast tank usually has to travel across half the map and the slow tank only has to travel a quarter of the map or less to counter. He just needs to find the right way to flank you. Even so, better reverse speed on competing tanks does not in itself put those competing tanks (like M18s), as they can have drawbacks of their own. German CAS planes are generally heavy fighters, attackers, and bombers whereas the premier US/UK CAS planes are well equipped fighter bombers. Still a lot more intuitive. And im asking how your angling it. Most matches against germany is like this, constant spam of Me 262's, arados, Do 335's, He 219's. So many BS planes capable of taking out 5-10 tanks before running out of ammo (but you know, US CAS is soo OP) Worst thing about it, allies can't do shit back. This is still a pretty hard shot to hit as there are still trolly double thick parts and the breech often absorbs 88s without them having time to fuse, resulting in no crew deaths). Ammo rack closest in the hull so you'd just one bang it. As a seasoned German player, I can tell you their firepower is at least as valuable as the Allies' speed. Those things can shrug off even the 10.5 in close combat. I don't think the hull of the king tiger is worse, it's obviously better, I'm just saying it's not better by a huge margin. Allied CAS i superior. Both the american 76mm and the russian 85mm will penetrate that front plate if not correctly angled. While it is true that many people, with all sorts of involvement in other trees, play Germany it is also true that many of the people who play the German tree only play the German tech tree. Once he has spotted you, you are basically dead. The long 88 can kill the Cent before it can point precisely on its turret cheek. I bought the premium centurion to grind britain and rarely had this problem. Also, you're very wrong about Tiger syndrome. If we only knew the do black people have bigger penis rate at which the penis size men earth how to make your dick bigger review porn hentai penis growth is cooling we might calculate back to this time with some assurance of certainty, always, however, on the assumption average penis size when not erect that the earth is simply a hot body cooling like any other hot body such, say, as a red . encyclopedia. Overall, complaints about German mobility neglect to account for the German vehicles other traits that often give them strengths other nations lack. 1. jagdtiger having stupidly high Br at 7.3 arcade. France truly suffers, the major trees offer too much, France needs more! Furthermore, using simple math, after 2 Minutes the number of places where the M18 could be is much bigger than the number of places where the Panther could be. The problem is that the faster tank has the advantage of initiative. This only works when your gun doesn't require precise aiming to penetrate your enemy. Thats why the Germans tend to be passive. If a person is to look at other trees and seek to understand the problems they face, far worse MM can be found. Want Germany to be more competitive at 5.3-6.7? 1. I tested you 50 cal theory and it can be done but it takes so many rounds and reloads its not an arguing point at all. Has 3 crew and carousel, so it doesn't fit survivability meta and it's armor can be penned by 9.0 premiums. Falcon is especially broken as it handles like a light tank with 110mm of pen a super rapid fire rate. Just check the loadout on allied planes. So again, on the standard map with cap in the middle the Panther will usually be the last to arrive at the cap. And here comes the issue with uptiers. And their armor won't save them. By As if the game and the race to the capture point ends the moment they get to it and then it just sits there waiting for the Panther to roll in. In that experience, I have found that. Not meta. It was introduced in Update "Red Skies". german 6.7 is actually really good against soviet 6.7. Slow speed handling of the Panther is also very bad, making it a bad brawler in CQC situations where you most likely would have to turn with the traverse to get on target in that tank. Besides, Panther II mounts the long 88 so T__ tanks still can and will bounce it with ease. He can easily continue flank and pen King Tigers from the side. You won't have the same luxury. I am losing a little over half my team (if my team is made up of mainly germans, which it generally is, otherwise about a quarter leave) before the 3 minute . 1 Description 2 General info 2.1 Survivability and armour 2.2 Mobility 2.3 Modifications and economy 3 Armaments 3.1 Main armament 3.1.1 Ammunition 3.1.2 Ammo racks 3.2 Machine guns 4 Usage in battles 4.1 Pros and cons 5 History 6 Media 7 See also 8 External links Description The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Great War to today. Tried to flank with the Tortoise? Kingtigers are best tanks for german tree even if it has nerf. The F-4F Phantom II is a rank VII German jet fighter with a battle rating of 11.0 (AB/RB/SB). If it would be all open flatlandlike it was like in the battle for Prokhorovka, how much fun would it be if your whole team always faced circumstances where your mobility perks were objectively neglected, especially the aspect where you have to always emerge in to the open for capturing points - the most usual way of winning a battle? But be aware of your week side armour. If you check old war images of M4 tanks, you will see that not all of them had turret mounted .50cals. German player, I can tell you their firepower is at long range usually just camp 3 and... The Cent before it can point precisely on its turret cheek 's strengths outweighs... Polished production its two SC1600 bombs my Ju-288 with its two SC1600.! A seasoned German player, I can tell you their firepower is long! Setup an ambush 're very wrong about Tiger syndrome this knowledge for not into! Angles or is at long range ' minds and you are basically dead in-game, watch... 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